Cnr Dr Frans Indongo & Werner List Streets, Windhoek, Namibia
Among the cluster of multistory buildings in the city of Windhoek, in walled masses, the Metropolitan Head Office exudes the aura of Post Modernism renewed.
As an urban Monument, the architect realized the importance of preserving the typology of this building and its significance relative to time, however, with modern aesthetics appeal. The drive for this refurbishment project is not only the preservation of singular entity but also the creation of an icon that restores the vitality of the city.
The environmental behaviour of this building yields low energy consumption as a result of high thermal content retained through the wall masses leading to little or no heating. Furthermore, lifts with regenerative drives were used and together with LED lighting and energy efficient air-conditioning, the energy efficiency of the building was enhanced.
The use of horizontal lines and color, break the massive forms into generously stacked rectangles and curvilinear elements, which portrays pure forms.
Hence, a unique character to a monumental design is established. Most importantly, the renovations to Metropolitan building have been executed under strict budgetary constraints and this essentially grounded the design team to meticulous thought processes in order to balance budget, quality and time creatively.